Most all locksmiths have the ability to let you back in your house when you lock yourself out. But it is required, and in some states the law, that we be able to verify that the person we are letting in has a legal right to enter that premises. There are several ways in which we do this.
1. The easiest and the first question we ask is does your drivers license have that address on it.
2. If you answer no to #1 then we use your license to verify who you are then ask if you have some sort of bill or piece of mail with your name and that address on it.
3. If you answer no to #2 then we ask if once we open the door are we going to be able to see a picture of you on the wall in the home or some sort of personal item such as a pay check stub, rental papers or other official paperwork of some kind with your name on it. we must be able to connect the dots between you and the house in some way.
4. If you are NOT the owner or renter of the property then you MUST have legal paperwork proving that you have the authority to enter the premises. Some examples include but are not limited to, Power of attorney, Executor of will papers, tax receipts where you pay taxes on the property, insurance papers with your name and that address on them, any official paperwork showing where you pay any of the bills on that property.
Those are just a few.
If you answer NO to all of the questions above you will find it near impossible for you to find a locksmith that will let you in.
We are a Local Mobile Locksmith performing residential re-keying, commercial re-keying and car/auto unlocking and key replacement serving Jefferson county, Blount county and Walker county in Alabama since 1994. Call our phone number now and you will be talking directly to a MOBILE LOCKSMITH in your local area. No 1-800 #'s and no call centers in some other state. We are a locally owned and operated mobile Locksmith service.